Friday 18 October 2019

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1.       Music and Drama
I can enjoy music much more, now that I no longer teach it. I love classical music; 'Pictures at an Exhibition', Holst's 'The Planets'; pop music favourites are Kate Bush, David Bowie and the Beatles. I also love jazz and film music. Another great escape is drama. I love radio dramas, TV dramas, films, novels, even people watching when I'm out and about in London. I don't like drama in my own life, but often find it difficult to avoid. I think now I'm over fifty and have discovered Buddhism I want to simply be rather than rush around doing so much and keeping busy for not much reason. Music and drama help me to enjoy this newer way to life.

2.       Reading and Writing
In 2018 I read over thirty third wave therapy and Buddhist psychology books. I reviewed 26 of them and they made it into the 'A book a fortnight' bibliography for my 'Everyday is a Mindful Act' project. In 2019 I wanted to escape into fiction reading once more and chose six Mood Boosting books for the task, I have also been reading more poetry. It has been lovely to get back to these lovely literary escapes. While working out therapy for myself I also discovered that blogging has been a positive thing for my wellbeing and I should continue to do it. Sylvia Plath once described writing poetry as 'her deepest health' I know what she means. Being creative is important to human beings. I intend to carry on blogging and with other forms of writing as well.

3.       Walking and Water
One of the things I have been enjoying and appreciating for the past ten years or so is walking by the River Thames. I have walked the length of the Thames Path from The Thames Barrier to Hampton Court. My favourite bit is The Royal Festival Hall at Hungerford Bridge to Southwark Cathedral at London Bridge. Walking by water, whether it's a canal, a lake, the sea or a river, can be very therapeutic. I often dream of living nearer the sea, maybe, one day, this dream will come true.

4.       Art and Crafts
I have enjoyed taking photos and making pictures for my blog over the years and I now enjoy mindful doodling and colouring. As part of my art therapy endeavours I have made a point of visiting more art galleries and now I am practising Slow Art, concentrating on a work of art for at least 5 minutes. Art is great and I find it one of the things that gives my life greater meaning. Like art, craft is also important as a source of creativity and meaning in life. I have attempted many paper and fabric crafts over the years and sell them in my craft stall 'ALF Creations @ the Star Heart Cafe'. I find knitting to be the most therapeutic craft and these days particularly enjoying knitting snuggle muffs for mental health patients. A recent advance I have enjoyed is the idea of a 'Crafternoon' with my daughter, who works on her card game, while I often drink tea, doodle and knit.

5.       Mindfulness and Meditation
I started practising mindfulness in March 2018. I did the body scan with my daughter and started doing the breathing to connect exercise from The Happiness Trap. Sometimes, often, it feels like I'm in the middle of an ocean, in a rowing boat, with no oars. Sometimes it's good to meditate on this feeling and then to appreciate the smaller things in life, which you can do with mindfulness. I appreciate a cup of tea, cuddling a teddy, mindful doodling and colouring, listening to music, reading a book, contemplating water, clouds, trees, flowers, art. I think it is good to give yourself some time everyday to just be; with your breath and your body. I often do mindful meditation in the morning, at work, in the evenings, it helps me through my day.

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