Monday 21 March 2022

Play Therapy

How you spend your days is how you spend your life. So is playing games a bad way to spend your time? Is life all just a game anyway? If it is a game we should be making it a good one. I'm not good at playing games. I used to play computer games but found them too addictive so I gave them up. I don't know if playing games will be good for me in the future, I know people who were really into bridge and bowls. I think I definitely need to lighten up and enjoy life more, but maybe not through playing more games. Things that make me feel better are cosmic contemplation, solitude, mindfulness, meditation, walking near water, watching films, the BBC, listening to music and sometimes playing it, arts, crafts, reading, writing, travelling on my own. Below is a mindful colouring idea related to play.

Thursday 10 March 2022

Take a Walk

Mindful walking is a thing. I did this walk along the River Brent from Ealing Hospital to Brentford when I was in a very bad place psychologically, so memories of it are mixed up with how bad I was feeling at the time. It is also a lonely walk, which kind of didn't help. My favourite walk by water is the Thames Path between the Royal Festival Hall and Southwark Cathedral. I think walking where there are people around rather than being too solitary is possibly more therapeutic, but I suppose it really depends on your state of mind.

Tuesday 1 March 2022

Remembering 2012

Twenty-twelve feels like it was quite a successful year for me and Britain. It was dominated by the London Olympics which meant my hometown had a celebratory feeling about it for much of the year. It is nice to look back on a year that was about achievement, large and small, and visiting the London Olympic park in July 2020 bought it all back to me.

Below are the top 12 reasons why 2012 was such a special year for me and my family.

1.    The 2012 London Olympics
2.    Helped with Golden Wedding Anniversary celebrations for mum and dad
3.    Last holidays with my dad to Cornwall and Edinburgh
4.    Amy’s Saturday morning French class
5.    Amy’s singing class and concert
6.    Church concerts every first Sunday of the month
7.    Played piano at two of my piano teacher’s concerts
8.    Success with piano teaching (3 summer certificates including 2 merits)
9.    Did my piano teaching diploma
10.  Wrote ‘The Good Mothers’ Club’
11.  Produced cards, pictures, dolls for the church Summer Fair
12.  Enjoyed BBC favourites; Outnumbered, Merlin, Dr Who