Thursday 30 June 2022

Eat Pray Love holidays revisited


I was attempting to go away at least three times in 2020, to Belfast, to Brighton and to Cromer. Needless to say planning any holidays in 2020 quickly became very difficult and what should have happened in one year, actually took three.

Eat - Cromer - August 2020

We were lucky to have got away anywhere at all in 2020, so the week we got to stay in Cromer was all that bit more special and I cherish that week away very much, even though we only had takeaway pizza to eat every evening.

Pray - Belfast - June 2021

This holiday was cancelled twice in 2020 so it was a great relief to get here in 2021. It was exciting to fly in an aeroplane once more and to finally visit this remarkable fourth UK capital city.

Love - Brighton - April 2022

We visited Brighton last in 2017 so it was exciting to find out how it had changed in the past five years. I have visited Brighton regularly since I was alittle girl, so it feels like visitng an old, dear friend everytime I go.

One thing the Eat Pray Love holiday saga has taught me is that it is much better to be just organising two holidays a year rather than three. I am aiming on going on two holidays a year, one far and one near, in the upcoming future.


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